vendredi 29 septembre 2017

Filter collection using like and wildcard

I need to get all files which starts with desired letter, I'm trying to use a ->where filter adding 'like' as operator but wildcards doesn't work.

        $files = File::files(storage_path($id_files));
        $files = collect($files);
        $files->transform(function ($item, $key){
            $item->public_filename = $item->getFilename();
            return $item;

This is our target data, I need to create a public_filename field to apply filters to. Our files (dd($files)):

   Collection {#503 ▼
  #items: array:3 [▼
    0 => SplFileInfo {#525 ▼
      -relativePath: ""
      -relativePathname: "atxt.txt"
      path: "/home/vagrant/Code/ceteis/storage/app/uploads/general"
      filename: "atxt.txt"
      basename: "atxt.txt"
      pathname: "/home/vagrant/Code/ceteis/storage/app/uploads/general/atxt.txt"
      extension: "txt"
      realPath: "/home/vagrant/Code/ceteis/storage/app/uploads/general/atxt.txt"
      aTime: 2017-09-29 09:51:17
      mTime: 2017-09-27 14:39:11
      cTime: 2017-09-27 14:39:11
      inode: 32833
      size: 3
      perms: 0100777
      owner: 1000
      group: 1000
      type: "file"
      writable: true
      readable: true
      executable: true
      file: true
      dir: false
      link: false
    1 => SplFileInfo {#524 ▼
      -relativePath: ""
      -relativePathname: "batxt.txt"
      path: "/home/vagrant/Code/ceteis/storage/app/uploads/general"
      filename: "batxt.txt"
      basename: "batxt.txt"
      pathname: "/home/vagrant/Code/ceteis/storage/app/uploads/general/batxt.txt"
      extension: "txt"
      realPath: "/home/vagrant/Code/ceteis/storage/app/uploads/general/batxt.txt"
      aTime: 2017-09-29 09:51:31
      mTime: 2017-09-27 14:39:11
      cTime: 2017-09-27 14:39:11
      inode: 32834
      size: 3
      perms: 0100777
      owner: 1000
      group: 1000
      type: "file"
      writable: true
      readable: true
      executable: true
      file: true
      dir: false
      link: false
    2 => SplFileInfo {#526 ▼
      -relativePath: ""
      -relativePathname: "txt.txt"
      path: "/home/vagrant/Code/ceteis/storage/app/uploads/general"
      filename: "txt.txt"
      basename: "txt.txt"
      pathname: "/home/vagrant/Code/ceteis/storage/app/uploads/general/txt.txt"
      extension: "txt"
      realPath: "/home/vagrant/Code/ceteis/storage/app/uploads/general/txt.txt"
      aTime: 2017-09-27 14:39:11
      mTime: 2017-09-27 14:39:11
      cTime: 2017-09-27 14:39:11
      inode: 5438
      size: 3
      perms: 0100777
      owner: 1000
      group: 1000
      type: "file"
      writable: true
      readable: true
      executable: true
      file: true
      dir: false
      link: false

What I'm trying:

dd($files->where('public_filename','like','t%')); // 0 results

dd($files->where('public_filename','like','txt.txt')); //If I ommit wildcard and look for full name it retrieves correct file

So our target is:

dd($files->where('public_filename','like','t%')); // 1 result

Any idea? Could we use wildcards to filter a collection by using a like operator? Thank you guys!

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