lundi 19 mars 2018

How to add custom theme end mode for ACE-Editor in Voyager

Laravel Version: 5.5. Voyager Version: 1.0. PHP Version: 7.2

I want to use php code highlighting in my custom Voyager view. I use editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/php"); but it does not work. I thik only one ace-editor theme available in Voyager. It is json-mode. It's true? How I can use othere ace-editor modes?

When I customase ace-mode by html atrributes.

Like that: <div id="editor" class="ace_editor" data-theme="dracula" data-language="php" > I get "not found" for two files /admin/theme-dracula.js and /admin/mode-php.js. What is true way for add ace-mode in Voyager?

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