mardi 29 mai 2018

store the emoji of post by laravel

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I want to store emoji but I don't known the the way

this is the view

    <div class="box">
        <div class="Like"><a class="Like__link"><i
                class="fa fa-thumbs-up"></i>  </a>
            <div class="Emojis">
                <div class="Emoji Emoji--like">
                    <div class="icon icon--like"></div>
                <div class="Emoji Emoji--love">
                    <div class="icon icon--heart"></div>
                <div class="Emoji Emoji--haha">
                    <div class="icon icon--haha"></div>
                <div class="Emoji Emoji--wow">
                    <div class="icon icon--wow"></div>
                <div class="Emoji Emoji--sad">
                    <div class="icon icon--sad"></div>
                <div class="Emoji Emoji--angry">
                    <div class="icon icon--angry"></div>

in the migration i add this fields :

Schema::create('likes', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->string('likeable_type', 255);
                             'like', 'love',
                             'angry', 'sad'


how can I store the emoji by simple way help me please

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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